
Shadow of doubt, single mom missing
Shadow of doubt, single mom missing

Well of course! Soon they touch down and a little R and R has clearly been ordered. Captain Lennox (Duhamel) says that he can't wait to hold his baby girl for the first time. There's a lightness in their tones as they half-heartedly bitch about their lack of weekends and what they are going to do when they get home. We first meet all of our grunts, including Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson, as a pack of sweaty, filthy dudes just tossing out of the kind of banter that Bay always manages to capture so well. It's a normal day, all of the helicopters are coming back from their missions surrounding the tiny base in the middle of the desert in sand-blasted Qatar. Continue on for new photos and scene descriptions of the film but BEWARE OF SPOILERS! Scene One: The Arrival of Blackout As many times as we've analyzed the trailer, nothing prepared us for how cool and utterly wicked the arrival and transformation of Blackout was. Bay, to laughs, said some of the reels had free trips or dinner with Spielberg, etc.

shadow of doubt, single mom missing

Finally, in a bit of insider comedy, he implored exhibitors to show the trailer and made it especially easy by having copies of the trailer on reels available after the show. Bay stated that he had a very special feeling about Transformers and said he expected big box office returns. Bay seemed comfortable as he thanked the crowd for their support, but not without also commenting how much money he has made for them over the years, ticking off several of his hits (but leaving out The Island, which is too bad because it's one of his most ambitious and thought-provoking projects). The man himself appeared on the Les Theatres des Arts stage at Paris Las Vegas to set up the clips.

shadow of doubt, single mom missing

Paramount must be breathing a sigh of relief because the theater owners and exhibitors went crazy for what we can only classify as some of the most brutal, visceral, uncompromising Bayness this side of Bad Boys 2. Even though it was a little strange to us to be debuting such kick ass footage at Showest, the response from the crowd full of suits was actually quite amazing. OK, that's two, but if this is what we can expect from the film in general, then it will be quite clear where to find most of IGN Movies' predominately pro-Bay staff this summer.

Shadow of doubt, single mom missing